Take Advantage of the Defensible Space Chipping Program

Take Advantage of the Defensible Space Chipping Program and Help Us Stay a
Firewise Community


Act now before Fire Season arrives. The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County is still offering
its chipping program to county residents. Due to limited grant funding the program may be suspended during fire season (typically starting toward the end of May). So call now 530-272- 1122 to make arrangements or go online to http://www.areyoufiresafe.com to learn more.

When you’re preparing those piles for chipping, keep in mind the following:

  • Chipping piles should be stacked along a road or driveway frontage allowing the crew to work from the road or driveway.
  • Piles must be placed within 5 feet of chipper access. Piles must be placed on the uphill side of road or driveway.
  • Piles must be free of roots/stumps, rocks and mud, poison oak, scotch broom and blackberries and other vines.
  • Piles must be stacked with the cut ends facing the same direction, pointing towards access route to piles.
  • Piles must not be higher than 3 feet high. Material can be up to 8″ in diameter and needs to be longer than 3 feet.

Note: a suggestion donation of $75 / hour will help keep the program available. Remember that chipping cost includes a crew of workers. Still a bargain!

New Volunteers Taking on Greater Roles

After a great turnout for our January Steering Committee Meeting, we were able to fill a
number of open positions with volunteers. Thanks to all for their enthusiasm and participation.

Three new neighborhood reps have been named:
• Debbie Wandro for Southside Cement Hill
• Terry Wagner and Bill Sheatsley for Indian Flat

Bob and Susie Willour will be representatives at large and they also volunteered to serve on the audit committee.

Alana Lucia will be our webmaster – improving and maintaining our gchna.com website.
You may already have noticed some changes. She is busy gathering material to post so the site will be a ready source of information for the neighborhood. If you have suggestions to improve the site, please email Alana at alinthegarden@gmail.com.

By Susan Wiesner, GCHNA Treasurer