Matching funds for Fire Risk Contributions

If you performed work to minimize fire risk on your property you can double the benefit to our community. Public funds are available matching our fire-wise efforts dollar for dollar for work you did yourself or paid someone. These funds will be used towards our fire-wise programs. Simply fill out this form and mail it to GCHNA, P.O. Box 1343, Nevada City 95959.


Burn Permits Required As of May 1st!

Escaped residential debris burns continue to be a leading cause of fire suppression calls in Nevada County. Learning to safely and cleanly burn vegetation debris helps to minimize smoke emissions and allows firefighters time to respond to true emergencies. It is your responsibility to know and follow local and state burning regulations. Failure to follow these regulations is a misdemeanor offense and you may be fined and prosecuted for the expense of containing a wildfire.

Visit the Fire Safe Council website to: